08 news & events

RT Urban Homes Wins a Spring 2023 Reggie Award!
We are so proud to announce that RT Urban has been awarded a 2023 Spring Reggie Award! We’re honored to have been recognized by our building industry peers as a result of our design and construction excellence. Each year Housing First Minnesota awards the coveted Reggie Awards to homes entered in the Spring Parade of Homes event. According to industry professionals, this year the Revelation | A1 model in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm was a stand out amongst the homes in the $500,000 – $549,900 price range. We would like to say a special thank you to our trade partners and congratulate them on their Trillium awards as a result of their continued hard work. Last but not least, thank you to everyone who visited our model homes this year! If you haven’t had a chance to visit our homes, check us out in our 3 communities to see what all the hype is all about.
Are you ready to see the Reggie Award winning Revelation Collection in person? You can find our brand new townhomes in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm! We are open Thursday – Monday 12 – 5pm or by appointment! Our team of experts are ready to introduce you to our modern simplified approach to home buying. We can’t wait to meet you.
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